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Is the Caller the Killer?

Monday, March 25, 2019 - March 26, 2019
12:00 am (Expired)
Oakland Police Academy
Auburn Hills, MI (248) 232-4220
Cost: 325.00
Contact & More Info
Email: 911training@oaklandcc.edu
Phone: (248) 232-4220

This course will instruct the attendee on the importance of obtaining and analyzing the 911 call made by individuals during homicides, alleged suicides and alleged accidental deaths. Thirty percent of all murderers call in their own crime pretending to be innocent. The Indicators of Guilt and Innocence will be explained and the class will use the tools to analyze actual 911 homicide cases in class. This training is specifically designed to educate Dispatchers, Law Enforcement Officers, Detectives, Supervisors, Medical Examiners, and Prosecutors.

HAA 201403A

For Registration call: 248-232-4220

Any questions call 248-232-4610 or e-mail:911training@oaklandcc.edu